Wednesday, June 8, 2011

This Week

This week has felt rushed. I don't think it actually has been but I have felt rushed, like every time you are doing something you feel like you should be doing something else. Does that make any sense??

Mum and Dad came over on Sunday, Mum cut out some squares for my quilt. And the lovely woman did a heap of ironing for me too. What a great Mum! Below is the pineapple upside down cake I made for morning tea - it was yum! I have had to use my dryer this week. Which I don't particularly like as I can just SEE the dollars flying out of it. I did a load of wash this morning and got home and they were still wet! I shouldn't have washed as it is freezing today.

This is Tuesday nights dinner - beef meat pie - and a quick Madeira cake for the lunchboxes. Last night I made the kids sausage rolls for lunch today and is there anything more disappointing then having something homemade come home? Amelia wasn't keen on them and only had a little bit. At least Wes came to my rescue and loved them!

I was having a whinge about there isn't much in town for my age group to do, so I organised for two couples to come over for dinner on Sunday. It's an Italian theme and everyone's bringing something so no one bears all the cost. I haven't decided what to cook other than Dave is making a garlic pizza to be eaten as garlic bread would. I think Jody is going to make Cannelloni!!!!

With the long weekend ahead I have GOT to set sometime aside for sewing and appliqueing and maybe some jam making. I need more time!!! LOL!!!! I end up planting primulas in the dark tonight. I hope they take ok. Now I am off to menu plan and write my grocery list - the joy never stops around here!


  1. Keep plugging away. All the hard work with the homemade stuff makes life so much sweeter. I hope you enjoy your Italian night (how could you not with canneloni on the menu? Yum!) x

  2. Thanks Miss Piggy Bank- tasted relish too!

    MultipleMum, the menu also includes lasagna, tiramusu, fettucini with carbonara and two other dishes I can't pronounce! Dave is looking for Italian music! Could be real scary.
