Tuesday, October 16, 2012


We have painters doing their thing to our garage at the moment. They aren't the most tidy, clean or thoughtful people.

The washing is mine but I am so over the rubbish that they have thoughtful unearthed and then let fly around the yard in the wind. And yes that is part of a tree they cut down and left ON TOP OF MY ONIONS!

Ah hem, well they are all most done and they have done a really really good job so maybe I should take my butt and do some picking up and less bitching....maybe.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

What's Growing?

After a lovely holiday filled with lazy days and beautiful weather it was back home. To say we have had some unexpected weather would be an understatement!

Last Thursday the wind was so blustery it could have literally blown a dog off its chain! Then came Friday where we had snow falling about 3 kms away. Snow. On October 12. Then yesterday we had a very very thick frost, just to let us know that we are in no way in control! All I could think of were my tomato plants and how I was told to wait til the end of October but I got a bit carried away with the warm weather.. I am so happy to report they live to see another day.

View from the cabin
I feel like I need a day off just to get stuck into all those jobs that I have on my 'to do' list! Though I should be able to get more done now that daylight savings has started. I love daylight savings!!!

Cherries for Christmas
Strawberries in less than a week

Dwarf peach has little baby peaches on it already

Potatoes done as seen on Gardening Australia

Silverbeet, carrots and beetroot - more to go in soon

Tomato plants not killed by frost


Asparagus, its very pretty and ferny

Carrot Cake with cream cheese frosting - Mmmmm

Back to work for four days then heading off to Queensland for a wedding!! Tomorrow I will show the ugley bit of the garden now that you have seen the good bits!!!