Saturday, November 12, 2011

Another Apron

Yes its ANOTHER apron and no it won't be the last! I am having way too much fun making them. This one is for someone in particular and I think will appeal just to them. Amelia is being my model though it is a bit big for her.
Here it is laid out. The bows are stitched on so they aren't going anywhere. My fashion consultant (Dave!) and I thought it needed a little bit of something extra so we decided on bows.
See how lovely the colours are in it? I very nearly made a skirt with the material instead!
This weekend we are hoping to do a little Christmas shopping since we only have about 42 days! Our list seems bigger every year though alot of presents are homemade. Sunday we will be strawberry picking again as I will be making jam in the afternoon. Have a great weekend!


  1. I do like the pattern on that apron...very pretty

  2. So does my sister, when she rang she asked whether it was hers! Sadly it isnt but I told her what I made her was better!

  3. very pretty, I love aprons! :)

  4. I have another two on the go at the moment!
